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How-To: How do I share a CloudExtend Excel for Salesforce template with others?
How-To: How do I share a CloudExtend Excel for Salesforce template with others?

XLSF | You've built a great template, learn how to share it with others

Updated over a week ago

View this video tutorial or follow the steps below:

CloudExtend templates can be shared with other users. Once shared the users can either import them into their own template library or they can be used independently as is on the shared workbook without importing them.

Admins could create an entire library of shared workbooks (or Excel templates) for each action they want end-users to perform. For example, to create inventory adjustments an end-users would open the Inventory Adjustment workbook and be able to interact with NetSuite right away without having to understand anything about template design.

Sharing Templates Steps

Step 1: Create your template in CloudExtend and save it as an Excel Template or Workbook. Share or send the workbook to another CloudExtend user.

Step 2: The end user should open the workbook and then open CloudExtend by going to Data and then Manage Salesforce Data.

Step 3:  Now you can use the template. Note, the template is currently part of the Workbook and will not be saved to your list of templates.

Optional If the recipient wants to save or modify the template into their own template library (not required) they can do the following:

Step 1: Simply create a data filter and save it.

Step 2: Go to your templates by clicking the menu icon (3 small lines at the top left of CloudExtend)

Step 3: Find the shared template and click edit, next, and change the name to whatever you wish.  Click Save.  Now the template is saved independently in the user's own CloudExtend template repository and the end-user has full control over it. 

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