Adding your NetSuite searches to a schedule with CloudExtend Analytics

XLANS | Learn how to add your NetSuite saved searches to a schedule with CloudExtend Excel Analytics for NetSuite

Updated over a week ago

Putting your NetSuite searches on a schedule is a smart way to automatically keep your Excel data in sync with NetSuite. For records that don't change often (such as subsidiary lists, and G/L accounts) consider adding them to a monthly schedule (or manual refresh). For records that change often such as transactions consider adding them to a schedule that matches your reporting needs. For example, if you have a sales dashboard add your sales order search to an hourly schedule.

Search scheduling is available to trial and Enterprise customers.


🚨Scheduling your saved searches requires that your Excel file be saved on OneDrive for Business or on SharePoint before you create the schedule.

Watch the video below or follow the written instructions.

Scheduling reports

Before continuing be sure your workbook is saved on OneDrive for Business or SharePoint.

Creating schedules

Click on the Schedule tab in the CloudExtend task pane to see a list of all schedules you have created. To create a new schedule.

Step 1: Click New.

Step 2: Enter the schedule interval and frequency.

Step 3: Click Add.

Adding searches to a schedule

Step 1: Click the Schedule tab in the CloudExtend task pane.

Step 2: Click Assign Reports and drag and drop the reports from the schedule and unschedule frames to the desired schedule.

Deleting a schedule

Step 1: Click the trash icon next to the schedule to delete the schedule. Any reports in the schedule will be moved to the unscheduled frame.

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