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How to Create a Lead Record with ExtendSync Outlook
How to Create a Lead Record with ExtendSync Outlook

ExtendSync Outlook | Know how to create Lead record in Outlook

Updated this week

Create records inside your email interface. ExtendSync adheres to the permissions of your assigned NetSuite role. Your administrator must enable each record type for your role to allow you to create or update records.

Step 1: Open Outlook and Access ExtendSync

  1. Launch Microsoft Outlook and ensure the ExtendSync add-in is installed and active.

  2. Open an email that contains the contact information you want to save.

  3. Click on the ExtendSync panel from the Outlook ribbon or Apps icon inside an email.

    Web and Mac Users (Open an email)

    Outlook Classic (Ribbon Bar)

Step 2: Create the Lead record

  1. Look for the email address and click on the + sign then choose Lead.

  2. ExtendSync will attempt to identify key details from the email, such as:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Email Address

  3. Complete all the mandatory and preferred fields. To customize your form, click on the Configure field button to update the form layout. Click here to learn more about customizing form.

  4. Enter values to mandatory fields such as:

    • Company (If not marked as Individual or is Person)

    • Subsidiary (Mandatory for NetSuite One-World Users)

    • Entity Status (Mandatory)

Step 3: Save the Lead

  1. Click Save to create the lead in NetSuite.

  2. ExtendSync will process the request and confirm when the record is successfully created.

Common Errors and FAQ

🔵 Lead is not showing in the Quick add section

  • Quick add section is linked to the Configure Records filter.

    Step 1: To fix this, go to the Menu button > Settings> Configure Records Filter.

    Step 2: Search for lead or scroll down to Entity and tick the Lead.

    Step 3: Click back and the setting will be saved.

🔵 Why Am I Getting the Error: "Permission Violation: You need the Customer Status permission to access this page"?

  • The Customer Status permission is required when creating a Lead record, as it determines the status of the NetSuite record. Without this permission, users cannot complete the record creation process.

  • Your NetSuite Administrator must update the role’s permissions to allow changes to the Entity Status field. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Edit the User's Role

  1. Navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.

  2. Select the role assigned to the user.

  3. Under Permissions > Setup, ensure that at least View access is granted for the relevant records and roles.

  4. Save the changes.

Step 2: Add Customer Status Permission

  1. In the Setup tab, locate the Customer Status permission.

  2. Add it to the role and set it to at least View access.

  3. Save and apply the updated role settings.

Once these changes are made, the user should be able to create Lead records without encountering the error.

🔵 Can a custom form be set when creating a record?

  • ExtendSync automatically uses the default form assigned to your record. If your preferred form differs from the default, you can manually select it by adding the Custom Form field. Follow the steps outlined here.

🔵 Why are Custom fields not showing?

  • By default, only standard fields are displayed therefore validation will fail if the user tries to save a record that has required custom fields. To avoid this, users should configure the fields to be entered and include the appropriate required fields.

  • Request permissions to your Netsuite admin to expose the fields. Once the permissions are added, adjust the form in Outlook. Check out troubleshooting guide here.

Note that at present this requires each ExtendSync user to make their own modifications.

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