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FAQ: How CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite identifies matching records
FAQ: How CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite identifies matching records

OLNS | Learn how CloudExtend Outlook searches NetSuite to find matching entities and transaction records

Updated over a week ago

When you log in to the CloudExtend app you see two main buttons Suggest related records & Search for records . When you  click on Suggest related records  the App will auto-fetch matching entities & transactions based on the NetSuite records you configured to be returned. CloudExtend also allows you to manually search records.

Auto Suggest Related Records

If you have not yet configured your auto fetch records learn more here

Import Note About Auto Fetch

If you want record types that support searching for digits in the subject line (ie transactions, jobs, and projects) and the digits you are searching for are part of a text string, ie INV12345 your admin will need to make minor customization as outlined here in order for them to be returned automatically.

Entity Types Supported and how they are fetched

CloudExtend currently supports the following entities 

  • Customer

  • Prospects

  • Leads

  • Contacts

  • Partner

  • Vendor

  • Employee

  • Jobs (Projects) - see below for more info

  • Support Cases - see below for more info

CloudExtend auto-fetches these entities based on an email match from the sender or recipient list.* The app runs a NetSuite global search and filters the records returned based on your auto fetch records filter.

  • Jobs (Projects)
    CloudExtend will find a matching job when either of the below are true.

    • When the sender/recipient on the email is listed as the primary contact on a Job

    • When the sender/recipient's email is listed as the email address on the customer record related to the Job

    • When the job number is 4 digits or higher and is on the email subject line

  • Support Cases
    CloudExtend will find matching cases when any of the below are true
    - When the case number is 4 digits or higher and is on the email subject line

Transaction Types Supported and how they are fetched

When a transaction match is found, the top 10 (based on created date) will be returned.

  • Estimates (Quotes)
    - Configure auto fetch settings to display estimates.
    How CloudExtend finds matches
    CloudExtend will find a match when any of the below are true
    -When the number in the subject line 4 digits or higher matches the document number or any number in the title of the estimate
    - When the sender/recipient on the email is listed as the 'primary contact' on the estimate
    - When the sender/recipient's email is listed as the email address on the Customer record related to the estimate

  • Opportunities
    - Configure auto fetch settings to display the opportunities
    How CloudExtend finds matches
    CloudExtend will find a match when either of the below are true.
    - When the sender/recipient on the email is listed as the 'primary contact' on the opportunity
    - When the sender/recipient's email is listed as the email address on the Customer record related to the opportunity

  •  Cash Sale, Invoice
    - Configure auto fetch settings to display the customer record as well as the desired transaction types to be returned
    How CloudExtend finds matches
    CloudExtend will find a match when the below is true.
    - When the sender/recipient is listed as the primary email address on the record the associated transactions will display
    - CloudExtend will try and match any number in the subject line 4 digits or higher and include those transactions

  • Purchase Orders, Vendor Bills
    - Configure auto fetch settings to display the vendor record as well as the desired transaction types to be returned
    How CloudExtend finds matches
    - When the sender/recipient is listed as the primary email address on the record the associated transaction(s) will display
    - CloudExtend will try and match any number in the subject line 4 digits or higher and include those transactions

Manually searching for a record

CloudExtend will return results very similar to a NetSuite global search. To manually search for a record enter data related to the record to surface it. For an entity, you can enter search terms like a name or email address.

In the example below a user is manually searching for a Sales Order number 123839.

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