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FAQ: ExtendInsights Analytics Supports Saved Search Formulas

ExtendInsights Analytics | Support for Saved Search Formulas

Updated over a week ago

ExtendInsights Analytics supports derivative formulas from NetSuite's Saved Search configuration. Below are some examples.

This formula is to generate a text based on the Quantity On Hand values.

Field: Formula(Text)


CASE WHEN {inventorynumber.quantityonhand} > 19 THEN 'Highly Available' WHEN {inventorynumber.quantityonhand} > 10 THEN 'Low Stock' WHEN {inventorynumber.quantityonhand} > 0 THEN 'Limited Stock' ELSE 'Out of Stock' END



This sample formula is to count the number of Customers, Total # of Individuals, and Company Customers

โ€‹Number of Company Type Customers
Field: Formula (Numeric)
Summary Type: Sum

Formula: CASE WHEN {Isperson}='T' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END

Number of Individual Type Customers

Field: Formula (Numeric)
Summary Type: Sum

Formula: CASE WHEN {Isperson}='T' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END


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