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Outlook for NetSuite NextGen
FAQ: Configuring Application Permissions Restriction in Microsoft Exchange Online
FAQ: Configuring Application Permissions Restriction in Microsoft Exchange Online

Outlook NextGen | This is the step-by-step process of implementing a policy restricting application access to specific mailboxes

Updated over a week ago

These steps are OPTIONAL.

Some Microsoft administrators have expressed a desire to limit the mailboxes that CloudExtend Autopilot has access to.

Microsoft empowers administrators to finely control application permissions for Exchange Online mailboxes, allowing for a more secure environment. This guide will delve into the step-by-step process of implementing a policy restricting application access to specific mailboxes. Following these steps ensures that applications, such as CloudExtend Outlook Autopilot, can only access data for users within the defined policy.

Step 1: Creating a Security Group

  • Log in to Admin Exchange Online.

  • Visit and log in using your administrator credentials.

  • Create a New Mail-Enabled Security Group.

    • Navigate to the group management section

    • Create a new mail-enabled security group

    • Assign a user-friendly name, like CloudExtend Outlook Users (which also serves as the group ID).

    • Assign a group email for seamless communication within the group.

    • Add owners to the group for future user management.

  • Add users to grant access to CloudExtend Autopilot.

Step 2: Connecting to Exchange Online using PowerShell

  • Open PowerShell as Administrator.

    • Launch PowerShell with administrative privileges.

    • Import ExchangeOnlineManagement Module:

    • Execute the command:

      Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement

  • Connect to Exchange Online

    • Use the command by replacing the UserPrincipalName
      โ€‹Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName

    • A login window may pop up; enter your Microsoft account credentials.

Step 3: Creating the Restriction Policy

  • Create a New Policy.

    • Use the provided App ID (f377cb8a-8902-42a0-8568-3b3bf88d7c0e) and the Security Group ID.

    • Set AccessRight to RestrictAccess.

New-ApplicationAccessPolicy -AppId "f377cb8a-8902-42a0-8568-3b3bf88d7c0e" -PolicyScopeGroupId "Cloudextend Outlook Users" -AccessRight RestrictAccess -Description "Restrict this app to members of distribution group CloudExtend Outlook Users."

Step 4: Testing the Policy

  • Use the following command to check permissions for a given user:

    Test-ApplicationAccessPolicy -Identity -AppId f377cb8a-8902-42a0-8568-3b3bf88d7c0e

Sample output when access is granted

AppId : f377cb8a-8902-42a0-8568-3b3bf88d7c0e

Mailbox : a5e26404-f30c-447b-ac11-e918851e179a

MailboxId : a5e26404-f30c-447b-ac11-e918851e179a

MailboxSid : S-1-5-21-442789921-1734088458-2035306496-28762352

AccessCheckResult : Granted

Sample output when access is denied

AppId : f377cb8a-8902-42a0-8568-3b3bf88d7c0e

Mailbox : a5e26404-f30c-447b-ac11-e918851e179a

MailboxId : a5e26404-f30c-447b-ac11-e918851e179a

MailboxSid : S-1-5-21-442789921-1734088458-2035306496-28762352

AccessCheckResult : Denied


  • Please be aware that changes to these settings may take effect after an hour to propagate throughout your Microsoft Exchange Online environment.

  • We recommend reaching out to Microsoft Support for assistance with any issues encountered while connecting to Exchange Online.

  • Before assigning a CloudExtend license to new users, ensure that you first add them to the designated security group.

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