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Troubleshooting: ExtendInsights Analytics Flow Errors and Needed Action
Troubleshooting: ExtendInsights Analytics Flow Errors and Needed Action

ExtendInsights Analytics | List of error codes captured on scheduled runs and what to do to resolve them

Updated over 6 months ago

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To ensure that your scheduled searches run error-free ExtendInsights will send you an email alert if there are issues with your searches. We limit the frequency in which we send these alerts to only a few times per day. Because of this we also encourage you to review the log files in ExtendInsights by selecting the menu icon and then choosing "Logs".

Resolving your errors

Please refer to the list below to determine what you need to do to resolve the errors on your scheduled flows in ExtendInsights for Analytics NetSuite.

The error codes we receive (and display to you) are sometimes not in our control and may look a bit gibberish (as shown in the image below) but you should be able to find the following keywords within the error message and then resolve accordingly.

If the error is not listed here, please reach out to support via the messenger at the bottom right section of this page.

Error Code (Keywords)

Action Needed


Mismatch in headers of saved search and excel table

Open the workbook where this saved search is downloaded

  1. Check if there are any columns with the same name. Excel appends numbers to the end if two columns have the same name. In this case, rename the columns such that there are no repetitions.

  2. Check if there are any changes to your saved search results definition in NetSuite such as column additions, deletions, renames, etc.

Once resolved, manually refresh the saved search once to update the headers on the Excel table and then save your Workbook.

Changes to the header fields in Excel (i.e. additions, removals, or label changes) usually causes the mismatch.

This can also happen due to the same names for two or more columns in the result as Excel appends numbers to maintain uniqueness.

No data available

Please remove the search from the schedule and reassign the schedule.

This is happening because of a but that that previously did not pass proper details when there are no results. The bug is resolved now and if you are receiving this error then removing the search from the schedule and adding it back will update it to use the updated flow structure.

InsertDeleteConflict - This won't work because it would move cells in a table on your worksheet.

Remove any filters applied to the table and then manually refresh the saved search in ExtendInsights once to update the excel table with the correct headers.

Adding or removing fields on the saved search in NetSuite usually causes this error. If filters are applied to your table, the Microsoft Graph API will not be able to write to the table.

HTTP callout did not complete within time limit

Please manually refresh the saved search in ExtendInsights Analytics once and make sure that the schedule is at least 4 hours away from any other scheduled runs.

Alternatively, if the workbook size is very large, we recommend that you divide the searches into multiple files if all the results are being returned to the same file. Learn how here.

Another reason this could occur is if there are a large number of calculations like references, formulae, etc running in the same file. If this is the case we recommend you treat the file as a source file only ad then connect to it using Excel Power Query to perform all your calculations. Learn more here.

This can happen if the time it takes to open the Excel file is too long.

Due to a configuration change made by your administrator, or because you moved to a new location, you must use multi-factor authentication to access

Please make sure that the workbook is saved in a OneDrive or SharePoint folder that you have access to and that you are logged in to your Microsoft 365 profile in Excel and then manually refresh the saved search once.

Sign out and sign back in to the application to reflect your new policy changes.

The workbook cannot be opened

Please make sure that the workbook is saved in a OneDrive or SharePoint folder that you have access to and that you are logged in to your Microsoft 365 profile in Excel then manually refresh the saved search once. If this does not resolve your issue check the file size of your workbook. If it's exceptionally large break the search into multiple files. Learn how here.

The service wasn't able to complete the request within the time limit

Please manually refresh the saved search in ExtendInsights Analytics once and make sure that the schedule is at least 4 hours away from any other scheduled runs.

We are stopping the schedules as we are unable to access the table. Please make sure the table is present in the workbook.

If you no longer need this search to run no further action is required. If you still need the search to run on a schedule, please add it back to your schedule and refrain from renaming the table name.

ExtendInsights attempts to locate the table name originally created and, if it cannot be found, the flow will continually fail. At this point we will stop the flow from running to conserve resources.

UnknownError [ ]

Please send a message via our support messenger so we can review this with our engineers.

That search or mass update does not exist.

Go to NetSuite to confirm whether this saved search still exists. If so, please manually refresh it once in ExtendInsights. Otherwise, please remove this saved search from the schedule or you will continue to receive errors. Contact support if needed.

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