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Email Sync: CloudExtend Autopilot for Microsoft Outlook

OLNS | Learn more about CloudExtend Autopilot

Updated over a week ago

This article is intended for end-users of CloudExtend Autopilot and includes basic instructions, FAQs, and troubleshooting steps.

πŸ›‘ Autopilot will only work for emails but not events.

πŸ’‘ Tip: Autopilot needs to be enabled by your Admin before you see it as an option in the App. Once they enable it for you the feature may not be available right away. You can expedite this by logging out of the app and back in again.

What is Autopilot

Thread-based Autopilot and Email address-based Autopilot adds automation when saving emails to NetSuite. More below.

Eligible Customers

All versions of Autopilot are available for customers on our Enterprise Edition. This article is intended for Microsoft Outlook users. Google Workspace users can use this link to learn more. If you're not sure what plan you are on or wish to upgrade check with your admin or contact

Using Autopilot

Autopilot is available for your personal mailbox as well as a shared mailbox that has been properly shared with you.

Thread-based Autopilot: Autopilot enables users to attach an email to one or more NetSuite records and then auto-sync every single back/forth reply attached to those same records, even when they are away from their computer. When to use it:

  • You want more in NetSuite, than not in NetSuite and you want less clicks to get emails into NetSuite to the right records.

  • You are saving to transaction records like Sales Orders or Invoices and the email threads typically only involve discussing 1 transaction at a time.

  • You typically do have long email threads going on with customers and a lot of back and forths.

Email address Autopilot: When you receive an email, you can monitor all future communications to or from a specific email address and have that email attached to just the right record type in NetSuite with zero clicks. When to use it:

  • You want all important emails in NetSuite without having to do much to get them there. Set it and forget it!

  • You are saving to entity records likes contacts, customers, vendors, prospects, leads etc.

✨ Email address-based Autopilot is by far the easiest and quickest method to get your emails into NetSuite!

Turning Autopilot off for a thread

If an email thread begins to go off-topic and/or you don't want the thread to auto-sync anymore simply open the add-in, In the Autopilot section, select Cancel Autopilot.

Once Autopilot is turned off it cannot be turned back on again from the same email. To turn Autopilot back on you can reply to the email and then open it from your sent items folder. select the NetSuite records, and re-enable Autopilot.

Turning off Autopilot for email address sync

If you enabled Email Address Based Autopilot , you can do the following to turn off the email address sync.

Step 1: Click the ... dots on the CloudExtend panel then select Settings.

Step 2: Go to Auto Associations and enter the email address you want to remove.

Step 3: Hover on the trash icon of the email address where you want to turn off the Autopilot.

Visual Cues

CloudExtend uses a variety of visual clues to help you understand the status of an email.

  1. In the middle of the task pane, you can see which NetSuite records the email is syncing to. You can even access the NetSuite record directly by clicking on the three dots beside the name of the record.

  2. CloudExtend adds Outlook categories to the email as well to let you know the email has been attached via Autopilot. Depending on your Outlook version and screen size these may be displayed as text in a colored box or just as a small colored icon. In addition, the NetSuite record in the task pane will have a icon with 3 stars to let you know which records are on Autopilot.

FAQ Autopilot

πŸ”΅ Does Autopilot work in shared mailboxes?

  • Yes!

πŸ”΅ Will Autopilot work if my Outlook email address is different than my NetSuite login email?

  • No, Autopilot will not function if your Microsoft email address is different than the email address you use to login to NetSuite.

πŸ”΅ Does Autopilot work in compose mode?

  • Not yet. When you are composing an email and select a NetSuite record to attach the email to Autopilot is not an option. The technical reason for this is that the email does not yet have an ID that we can use for future reference in determining which emails to sync automatically. For this reason, we suggest you send the email and then attach the email from your sent items folder and put it on Autopilot (at this point the email ID is available to CloudExtend for tracking).

πŸ”΅ Does Autopilot work with on-premise Exchange Servers

  • No, Autopilot requires an API that is only available on online servers hosted by Microsoft.

πŸ”΅ Does Autopilot work if the subject changes?

  • No. When the subject changes Microsoft assigns a new conversation ID therefore Autopilot will stop working and will need to be enabled again.

πŸ”΅ If I have an email on Autopilot with multiple people on the thread and 1 person replies to me via "reply" only. Does that email continue to sync on Autopilot?

  • Yes, the email will continue to sync.

πŸ”΅ Can I add an email and put it on Autopilot from my phone or tablet?

  • Not yet, however, if an email is already on Autopilot and you respond from your mobile or tablet it will automatically sync to NetSuite.

πŸ”΅ Will Autopilot sync file attachments

  • At present only, this will not include file attachments. This is by design based on feedback from customers that are concerned about using up their allotted NetSuite storage space. If you receive an email with attachments that you want to attach to NetSuite you can upload them manually, attach them via our OneDrive/SharePoint integration, or cancel Autopilot, forward the mail to yourself, attach the files, and then re-enable Autopilot.

πŸ”΅ If multiple people in my company are cc'd on an email and they all put an email on Autopilot what will happen?

  • At present each email would end up in NetSuite so there could be a number of duplicate emails. We are currently looking into adding functionality to allow users to see if an email has been added by a co-worker. Until this is added to CloudExtend we suggest that your organization create a set of rules such as the 1st person in the cc list or to line of an email is responsible for attaching the email to NetSuite.

πŸ”΅ My email is connected to more than one NetSuite account. Can I use Autopilot on all of them?

  • At present, the admin can only connect your Autopilot configuration to a single NetSuite account. We are currently looking into functionality that can expand this beyond the single account limit.

Known Issues

We have uncovered some issues and plan to address them in a future build.

If you are using Outlook online or certain beta versions of Microsoft Outlook the CloudExtend Autopilot category will be applied erroneously in the following scenarios. Note this does not apply to users of non-beta versions of Outlook desktop.

  • For users using the recommended approach above a copy of the sent mail will also be placed in the sent items folder on their personal mailbox and a CloudExtend Autopilot category will be applied erroneously. Please note that only the mail in the shared mailbox (inbox/sent items) is actually on Autopilot.

  • If you attach an email first using Autopilot from your shared mailbox and then reply to it using your personal mail as the "From address it will not continue to be on Autopilot (unless you followed the steps above to also put it on Autopilot from your sent items folder) but categories may be erroneously applied.


πŸ”΅ I am receiving an error that Autopilot is not associated with this account. Contact your administrator to enable it.

  • If you're receiving the error below try the following:

Autopilot is not associated with this account. Contact your administrator to enable it.

Step 1: Ask your admin to remove you from the subscription portal and then add you back.

Step 2: Log out of the app and back in again.

Step 3: If you still have issues contact support using the chat icon at the bottom right.

πŸ”΅ Autopilot is not showing as an option when I select a NetSuite record to attach my email to

  • Check with your admin to make sure you have a CloudExtend Enterprise edition subscription and that your admin has enabled Autopilot. If they have try logging out of the App and back in again.

  • If you are on an enabled Enterprise subscription and still don't see the option to use Autopilot then check for an error connecting to your Exchange server REST URL. This can be done by clicking the menu icon and then navigating to Settings > Developer Settings > System Diagnostics and checking the REST URL. If you don't see a green checkmark then there is an error connecting to your Exchange server REST URL. Close and restart Outlook to try and re-establish the connection.

πŸ”΅ Category Concerns

I don't see the CloudExtend Autopilot category on my emails or I'm getting an error message stating a category cannot be created.

Learn more about troubleshooting categories in this article.

πŸ”΅ Each time an email is attached an additional category label is applied so I end up with multiple categories on one email or I have turned off Autopilot and the category is still applied to every reply

We have noticed that in some version of Outlook with Conversation View enabled that Outlook will apply any category on the initial email to every reply in the thread. Turning off the conversation view has solved this in the cases we have seen.

πŸ”΅ My email is on Autopilot but I don't see it in NetSuite yet

CloudExtend sends your messages to a queue in NetSuite. You can check the status of your Autopilot messages (up to the most recent 14 days) by clicking the Status icon (which looks like a clock) in your toolbar.

  • Click the Autopilot tab. There will be two tabs to check the status depending on what save mode you want to Track. Switch between Thread based and To/From/CC based.

  • Select from the drop-down(Success, Pending, Failure) to get an accurate status as to where this email is in the process. Select All to see the status of all your Autopilot emails over the last 14 days.

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