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FAQ: Adding custom fields to supported record types with CloudExtend Outlook
FAQ: Adding custom fields to supported record types with CloudExtend Outlook

OLNS | Learn how to add custom fields for supported record types

Updated over a week ago

CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite allows individual users to create and edit certain NetSuite records such as Contacts, Customers, Leads, Prospects, Tasks, and Opportunities (the list is growing).

❗️Be sure to check the troubleshooting tips at the bottom of this article if you need more help, especially if you are getting permission errors.

By default, only standard fields are displayed therefore validation will fail if the user tries to save a record that has required custom fields. To avoid this, users should configure the fields to be entered and include the appropriate required fields. Note that at present this requires each CloudExtend user to make their own modifications.

Below is an example of a custom field on an opportunity record.

This article will show you how to do the following:

Adding Custom Fields in CloudExtend

Having trouble? Refer to the troubleshooting section below.

❗️If this is your first time editing custom fields we recommend that you clear the app cache. Select the menu icon at the top right of the app (3 dots) and choose Clear Cache. This will log you out of the app and will also clear the in app cache. Log back in and follow the steps below.

Locate the record you desire to expose custom fields

Step 1: Select the + button (create record).

Step 2: Select the desired record type.

Configure your fields

Select Configure Fields

Use the collapse and expand icons to expose more standard and custom fields. Select the desired fields and click update.

Using a custom form for validation

Custom forms are used in NetSuite to display specific sets of fields and enforce validation rules in the NetSuite UI. The NetSuite API does not allow CloudExtend users to simply select a form and then display the desired fields (users must follow the steps above to do this). Users can, however, select a custom form that will be used to enforce validation rules. If you have custom fields that are tied to specific forms you must either set that as your default form OR expose the custom form field in CloudExtend and then select it. Once the proper form is selected the field permissions will be respected and you will be able to add values.

Step 1: Add the 'Create using (Custom Form)' field from the list of standard fields to your form.

Step 2: While editing or creating the record choose your desired custom form for validation.

If you receive a permission error for the custom form field it generally means the field is not available on the default form assigned to you in NetSuite or that you have only one form, the standard form, in NetSuite. See the troubleshooting steps below.


Permission Errors


If you receive permission errors it may be due to a caching issue which can happen when the app gets updated. To resolve this select the menu icon at the top right of the app (3 dots) and choose 'clear cache'. This will log you out of the app and will also clear the in app cache. Log back in and try again.

Field Visibility

You may also receive permission issues because the fields you added are not visible on the NetSuite form allocated for your role. As an example, some users may not use the Lead Source field in NetSuite. While this is a standard NetSuite field not every organization uses it. If your default form in NetSuite does not have this field on it then you can hide it in CloudExtend by unchecking it in configure fields.

Step 1: Remove the field with Permission Error.

Step 2: Click Configure Fields.

Step 3: Uncheck the name of the fields you don't want on your form.

Step 4: Click Update to save form settings.

Watch the video below to see how these permission issues may impact you and learn more about solving them.

Unsupported field types (supported field types are below)

Only the field types below are supported. CloudExtend does not yet support dependent fields, ie if you have locations or classes that are dependent on the value of the subsidiary selected you will see a permission error when trying to view these fields when creating a new record. A future update will address this issue.

  • Checkbox

  • Currency

  • Date

  • Datetime

  • DecimalNumber

  • eMailAddress

  • FreeFormText

  • Hyperlink,

  • IntegerNumber

  • List/Record

  • LongText

  • Percent

  • PhoneNumber

  • RichText

  • TextArea

Additional Troubleshooting Tips

Certain NetSuite roles do not allow custom fields to be displayed without explicitly telling them to. If you are not able to see custom fields try switching to a different role. If none of your roles show share this article with your NetSuite Admin and ask them to grant your role the required permissions.

For NetSuite Admin

Step 1: Ensure that view permissions are set for the records and roles you are working with. Typically the following are added.

Under Setup Tab

Custom Column Fields
Custom Body Fields
Custom Record Types
Custom Entity Fields
Custom Item fields
Custom Sublist fields
Custom Sublists fields
Custom Lists
Custom Transaction Fields

Under List Tab
Custom Record Entries

Step 2: Once the permissions have been added ask your user to do the following:

  • Sign out of NetSuite UI and back in

  • Clear the app cache by navigating to the Menu> Settings> Clear Cache

  • Log back in

Note, the new permissions may take 15-20 minutes to propagate to your role. If the below steps do not immediately work please try again after 15-20 minutes (being sure to sign out of the app and back in).

If you still have issues contact support using the chat icon at the bottom right of this page

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