ExtendInsights Analytics runs your NetSuite searches using SuiteScript. SuiteScript supports the vast majority of searches created in the UI with a few exceptions we have uncovered.
This article can also be used to help troubleshoot some common error scenarios.
Known and Open Issues
๐ต Searches with no results fail and do not overwrite the sheet
When there are no results in the saved search previous data on the Excel sheet is not cleared
๐ต A single search cannot have multiple schedules on the same workbook
A workbook can consist of multiple searches and each search may be on its own schedule, however, a single saved search can only be associated with one schedule.
๐ต Criteria with null values
There is a NetSuite bug that prevents criteria such as Name/ID starts with " " from to fail when call via a NetSuite API. It will result in an error message similar to An nlobjSearchFilte
r contains an invalid operator, or is not in proper syntax.
The workaround is to remove this line from your saved search.
๐ตCriteria based on summary formulas
This is not a bug per se, but something you should be aware of. If you're using the Summary Criteria in your NetSuite saved search the field in your formula must also exist in the results.
For example, the formula below references the transaction date from the fulfilling transaction. That same field must be added to your results set.
If not, you will receive a NetSuite error An nlobjSearchFilter contains an invalid summary type: formulanumeric: SUM
๐ต Sum 'Percent' formulas cause Unexpected Error
There is a NetSuite bug that causes searches that use Formula (Percent) to fail when called via a NetSuite API. The workaround is to change the formula to numeric.
๐ต Adding / Removing / Renaming Columns causes scheduled searches to fail
Log files show Mismatch in headers of saved search and Excel table
Note, if you have a search running on a schedule and you subsequently add/remove or rename columns in the search (via NetSuite UI) your searches will fail until you manually rerun them in the app at least one time. This is required in order to ensure that formulas are not broken by a scheduled search and that the user has an opportunity to fix them prior to the next scheduled run.
๐ต Search is creating duplicate worksheet names
When ExtendInsights updates a worksheet, it does so by looking for a match between the table name and the NetSuite ID of the saved search. If a match cannot be found, then a new worksheet is created (and since Excel does not allow duplicates it is appended with -1).
Common reasons for duplicate sheets would be someone manually changing the table name created by ExtendInsights or changing the ID of the saved search in NetSuite.
Resolved Issues
The issues below were reported by beta customers and resolved.
๐ต Formulas
Formulas that reference the tables created are currently wiped out when the table refreshes (this does not affect pivot tables). We have a fix for this plan where a table will only be recreated if new columns have been added.
Update June 10, 2021 - RESOLVED by removing data from the table and then updating it. If users subsequently add or rename columns in the NetSuite search then the entire table does need to be recreated and formulas may be impacted. In such a scenario the user is warned prior to the replacement of the table.
๐ต Storage Locations
In order to run your searches on a schedule, the files must be accessible online, either on SharePoint or on OneDrive for Business. At present only OneDrive for Business is supported.
Update April 20, 2021 - RESOLVED (support for SharePoint 'sites' added)
๐ต Sandbox
The app is not yet working in sandbox accounts.
โUpdate - April 8, 2021 - RESOLVED
๐ต Deleting searches
The app does not yet support removing searches from the add-in.
Update April 20, 2021 - RESOLVED
๐ต Long search names and names with special characters issue 1
ExtendInsights names the worksheet in your workbook using the name of your saved search. Excel has a limit of 30 characters and at present, those searches are failing without warning because the sheet cannot be added.
Update April 20, 2021 - RESOLVED
๐ต Long search names and names with special characters issue 2
Searches with certain special characters such as / are also failing when we attempt to create the worksheet using the special character as part of the name.
Update April 20, 2021 - RESOLVED