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FAQ: How to Transfer Ownership of Workbooks

ExtendInsights Analytics | Learn how to transfer ownership workbooks

Updated over 4 months ago

Sharing a workbook when using ExtendInsights allows other users to view all the sheets with the latest data. However, there are scenarios that may require us to transfer ownership of the full workbook to get full control over they key functions when using ExtendInsights app.

By transferring ownership, they will have the authority to:

  • Add or Edit schedules

  • Run saved searches on-demand

  • Transfer to new owner

  • Revoke Access to workbook


  • The new owner must have an ExtendInsights Analytics license.

  • User must have the proper NetSuite role and belong to the same organization.

  • Make sure to share your workbook with new owner on OneDrive and Sharepoint. follow the steps here from Microsoft.

Steps to Transfer Ownership

Current Owner

Step 1: In the ExtendInsights Panel click on the Menu > Settings then go to Transfer Ownership.

Step 2: Enter the new owner's email address and click Submit.

Step 3: Notify the new owner to accept the transfer request in their workbook. While waiting for the confirmation, the workbook will no longer be accessible.

Transferee (Who receives the transfer)

The user will have to manually assign connections to available Saved searches.

Step 1: Open the shared workbook and log in to ExtendInsights.

Step 2: A notification prompt will appear. Click Accept and Proceed.

Step 3: Assign connections to available saved searches and select the appropriate reports.


🔵 When will it be useful to transfer ownership of the workbook?

  • User is going on extended leave: Transferring ensures continuity while the user is unavailable.

  • Admin setup: The admin initially sets up saved searches and then hands over the workbook to employees for ongoing use.

  • Handover: During transitions, such as job role changes, transferring ownership ensures a smooth handover.

🔵 Will the schedule be transfered together with the saved searches?

  • Yes, the schedule will be inherited during the transfer. You can validate it by checking the schedule tab.

🔵 Will it transfer all the saved searches in the workbook?

  • You will be able to select saved searches that match the new owner's NetSuite account and role permissions. If a saved search cannot be assigned to a connection, an error prompt will appear.

🔵 What if the workbook is not Accepted by the transferee?

  • The current owner will lose access, and the transferee or new owner must be reminded to accept the transfer request.

  • Owner can revoke the request or transfer to another email address.

🔵I changed my mind and would like to keep the ownership of the workbook. What should I do?

  • Step 1: In the ExtendInsights Panel click on the Menu > Settings then go to Transfer Ownership.

  • Step 2: Click Revoke to regain ownership.

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