FAQ: How to Clear Cache in Excel

XLANS | See instructions on how to clear cache using Excel

Updated over a week ago

You may have accidentally, logged in using a different Microsoft account and wish to log out when using CloudExtend Excel Analytics for NetSuite application, see instructions below:

For Windows Users

Step 1: In Excel, to to File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Trusted Add-in Catalogs.

Step 2: Check off the box labeled Next time Office starts, clear all previously-started web add-ins cache.

Step 3: Once done, close all Excel windows then relaunch.

Step 4: Run CloudExtend Analytics this time and you should see a Sign in with Microsoft button.

For Mac Users

Step 1: On the CloudExtend app, click on the (i) icon in the right-hand corner.

Step 2: Select Clear Web Cache, close all Excel windows, and relaunch.

Step 3: Run CloudExtend Analytics this time and you should see a Sign in with Microsoft button.

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