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Applying Customer Payment to an Invoice via ExtendInsights Data Management

ExtendInsights Data Management | Learn how to apply payment to invoices

Updated this week

ExtendInsights supports applying payments to your invoices. This will reduce manual effort and lower the risk of errors compared to the manual methods which help you maintain accurate financial records.

Watch the video to learn how!

Template Layout

💡 Tip: It is best to check out the forms and fields and identify the header, column, and required fields in NetSuite that you may need to build the template.

If you are using NetSuite Classic Interface you can go to:

Transactions > Customers> Accept Customer Payments

  • Tran date

  • Tran Id

  • Customer

  • Payment - Total Amount to be applied(Optional)

  • Undep Funds - set to TRUE or FALSE

  • Ar Acct - Enter the Account Receivable that will be affected (Optional)

  • Account - Enter bank account for payments that have been deposited

  • Memo

  • Apply List: Apply - set to TRUE to apply the payment (Mandatory)

  • Apply List: Doc - internal ID of the Invoice (Mandatory)

  • Apply List: Amount - Amount (Optional. If not added will apply full payment)

  • Apply List: Ref Num - Tran ID of the invoice (Optional)

How to Apply Customer Payments via ExtendInsights

When applying for customer payments, it is important to know the Internal ID of the invoice.

We recommend that you load your original Invoice into ExtendInsights for easy reference and in a separate tab, load the Customer Payment template.

Step 1: Create and Load the Invoice Template

In the video above, this is the Invoice for which we are going to apply payment.

💡Tip! You can retrieve the Invoices you want to apply payment using a data filter, saved search, or reload action. Read on the articles below:

Step 2: Create the Customer payment template based on the template layout

Since you have the Customer Payment template ready, you may use the data downloaded from the invoice template by copying and pasting or using formulas to apply payment to invoices.

For Undeposited Payments

  • Customer > Entity

  • Undep Funds > TRUE or set to blank

  • Ar Acct > Enter the Account Receivable that will be affected (Optional)

  • Account > Enter bank account for payments that have been deposited

  • Apply List: Apply > set to TRUE

  • Apply List: Doc > Invoice Internal ID

  • Send the record to NetSuite, click Upload to NetSuite, and hit the Upload Records button.

  • Go to the Invoice > History > Payments to check the created record.

For Deposited Payments

  • Customer > Entity

  • Undep Funds > FALSE

  • Account > Enter Account where the payment was deposited

  • Apply List: Apply > set to TRUE

  • Apply List: Doc > Invoice Internal ID

  • Send the record to NetSuite, click Upload to NetSuite, and hit the Upload Records button.

  • Go to the Invoice > History > Payments to check the created record.

How to Apply for Partial Customer Payments via ExtendInsights

You can use ExtendInsights to perform partial payments and also process multiple invoices all at once. The following fields are required for this to happen:

  • Customer > Entity

  • Undep Funds > Set to FALSE

  • Payment > Total Payment to be applied

  • Account > Enter Account where the payment was deposited

  • Apply List: Apply > Set to TRUE

  • Apply List: Doc > Invoice Internal ID

  • Apply List: Amount > Enter Amount to pay

  • Apply List: Replace All > Set to FALSE (Mandatory, this will trigger the partial payment)

Send the record to NetSuite, click Upload to NetSuite, and hit the Upload Records button.

Go to the Invoice > History > Payments to check the created record.

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