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FAQ: ExtendSync Outlook Status Log

ExtendSync Outlook | Check the logs for successful and failed associations using the app

Updated over 6 months ago

The Logs feature is now available within the app! You can now view if the emails are synced properly whether you use One-Time or Autopilot associations.

If there are failed associations for any reason, you can Retry to sync the email.

The status Logs provides users with a summary of the last 14 days activity and is stored locally on the user's machine.

How to Check the Logs

From Menu

To check the logs, click Menu > Logs

This will contain any associations done for the last 14 days.

Toolbar Status Icon

Log Interface Guide

You can check which associations are in Progress, in Failed status, and which were successful. You can also refresh the logs using the Refresh button at the top to check the latest status.

  • Go to the One-Time tab to see the logs that you used the One-Time save method.

  • Go to the Autopilot tab for Autopilot for Email tracking. There will be two tabs to check the status depending on what save mode you want to track. Switch between Thread based and To/From/CC based.

  • Select from the drop-down (Success, Pending, Failure) to get an accurate status as to where this email is in the process. Select All to see the status of all your Autopilot emails over the last 14 days.

If there are failed association/s, click the Retry button to resend the sync request.

Logs Status


Viewing the success log will show the subject line (1) for the current email (or all emails depending on the view chosen). The subject line can be expanded to show the record(s) to the email attached to (2) and will show files attached to it (3).


Once ExtendSync sends the email to NetSuite we move the status to Pending. Once NetSuite completes the email attach process the status is changed to Success. The amount of time it takes for NetSuite to perform the attach process is highly dependent on how busy your NetSuite account is.

ExtendSync will periodically poll NetSuite to update the status in Outlook. In all cases, the email will be attached to NetSuite prior to the status being updated in Outlook.

For this reason, we highly discourage obsessing over the items in Pending Status.

Your emails will always attach faster than they show in the status log and, if there is ever an error, you'll be alerted with the Failure status (below)


If NetSuite returns an error attaching an email the status icon will display an error icon (below). This will be visible within the ExtendSync application regardless of the email you are viewing. To view, the errors open the status log and filter to display those with the status of Failure.

Check out this link to learn about handling errors when using Attachment Autopilot!

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