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Troubleshooting: Mismatch Headers

ExtendInsights Analytics | Troubleshooting when getting mismatch headers error from ExtendInsights

Updated over 6 months ago

If you have a search running on a schedule and you subsequently add/remove or rename columns in the search (via NetSuite UI) your searches will fail until you manually rerun them in the application at least one time. This is required in order to ensure that formulas are not broken by a scheduled search and that the user has an opportunity to fix them prior to the next scheduled run.

Error Message

Mismatch in headers of saved search and Excel table

Reason of Error

  • User edited NetSuite Saved Search (remove, added, or renamed columns)

  • Two or more columns have the same name

  • There are special characters in the field name

  • There are extra spaces before or after the field name

👉 See other common errors encountered when downloading Saved Searches from NetSuite.

How to validate

  • Click preview and the screen is not loading

  • When the saved search is downloaded there is the same name with an added number to it


Step 1: Check the field names, and remove any special characters or extra spaces before or after the name.

Step 2: Update NetSuite Saved Search and use the custom label or summary label and make field names unique.

Step 3: Manually refresh the data in Excel to get the latest configuration of the saved search from NetSuite.

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