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📣 Release Notes for CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite v9.X
📣 Release Notes for CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite v9.X

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Updated over a year ago

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Version History

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Version 9.2.4

Date: 14th Mar 2023

About this Release

The CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite v9.2.3 is the latest version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite and is the successor to its v9.2.2 version.

This release is to announce the deprecation of legacy version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite. With this release, you will no longer have access to older version of the app and if you have not yet upgraded to new version you will be forced to Upgrade to new version. You have time till March 22, 2024 to upgrade to new version. Post that we will auto upgrade any remaining users on March 23, 2024.

For more detail on timeline and what's new in NextGen please refer here

For more FAQs on Upgrade please refer here

We have been actively working on the NextGen version and releasing updates to it. Please find the updates done to the version in past few months here.

What’s New in this Release

No feature enhancements, deprecations or removals were done in this release

What Has Changed in this Release


With this release, we have deprecated the legacy version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite. When you try to load the app today after this release, you will be taken to Login page with these 2 options as shown below.

  • If you have already upgraded to the new version, you can select Login to New app, sign in with your Microsoft or Google id and continue using the new version.

  • If you have not upgraded to new version yet, you can choose the Upgrade to new app option and upgrade to new app. During the upgrade, all templates from the legacy app will be moved to the new app. You will be prompted to log in to CloudExtend using Microsoft or Google and then create connections to NetSuite.

Note: All users have until March 22, 2024, to upgrade to the new version on their own. We will automatically upgrade any remaining accounts on March 23, 2024. This upgrade will reference your current NetSuite email during migration. As long as you sign in to the new app with the same email, all of your data and templates will be there.

Version 9.2.3

Date: 13th Feb 2023

About this Release

The CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite v9.2.2 is the latest version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite and is the successor to its v9.2.1 version.

This release is to announce the deprecation date of the legacy version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite which is March 11, 2024 and includes reminders to users who are on older version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite to upgrade by March 22, 2024.

For more detail on timeline and what's new in NextGen please refer here

For more FAQs on Upgrade please refer here

We have been actively working on the NextGen version and releasing updates to it. Please find the updates done to the version in past few months here.

What’s New in this Release

No feature enhancements, deprecations or removals were done in this release

What Has Changed in this Release

  • Adding in app Reminders about deprecation

We have renamed the Login option of old app from Login to NetSuite to Login to Legacy App. We have also added a reminder about the deprecation date here, so you are aware till when you have access to this version of the app.

  • If you have already upgraded to the new version, you can select Login to New app, sign in with your Microsoft or Google id and continue using the new version.

  • If you have not upgraded to new version yet, you can choose the Login to Legacy App and Upgrade on the next screen shown below.

  • During the upgrade, all templates from the legacy app will be moved to the new app.

  • You will be prompted to log in to CloudExtend using Microsoft or Google and then create connections to NetSuite.

    If you choose to Continue with Upgrading, you can choose to Upgrade later from templates home page.

    If you want to try out the new app and then upgrade, you can select the Try out our new app option from Left Menu and once you are comfortable with new app you can upgrade to new version.

    Note: You will have the ability to revert back to the legacy app through March 11, 2024. After that, the legacy app will be deprecated and you will not be able to toggle between old and new versions. All users have until March 22, 2024, to upgrade to the new version.

    Please be advised that you must switch to the new app by March 22, 2024. We will automatically upgrade any remaining accounts on March 23, 2024. This upgrade will reference your current NetSuite email during migration. As long as you sign in to the new app with the same email, all of your data and templates will be there.

Version 9.2.2

Date: 21st Dec 2023

About this Release

The CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite v9.2.2 is the latest version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite and is the successor to its v9.2.1 version.

We are extending the deadline of 31st December to upgrade to newer version of CloudExtend. You would have time till 10th February 2024 to upgrade to newer version. On 12th February 2024 all users will be auto upgraded to new version.

What’s New in this Release

No feature enhancements, deprecations or removals were done in this release

What Has Changed in this Release

  • Changes to Upgrade Now banner

    With this release, we are extending the deadline to upgrade to the new version of the CloudExtend app. You can see 2 options when you click on Upgrade banner.

    • If you have not tried out the new app till now, we strongly recommend you to click on Try Now and try out the new app. You will be asked to Sign in With Microsoft or Google to access the new app. You can switch between versions using this option.

      • Note that templates from the previous version will not be available when you use "Try Now", only after fully upgrading will they become available. Any new templates you create will, however, be preserved when you perform your upgrade.

    • Once you are ready to completely switch to new version, click on Upgrade Now which will migrate your templates and license to the new version. Once done you won't have an option to switch back to the old version. So please be careful before clicking on Upgrade Now. Attempt it only if you are confident all your use cases are working in the new version and there are no issues.

      Note: You have time till 10th February 2024 to upgrade to the new version.

Note: Once you have upgraded, you will be having access to the new version of app only all the time. But if you clear the cache anytime, you would see login screen with 2 options. You can just select Login using New App option and continue.

Version 9.2.1

Date: 30th Nov 2023

About this Release

The CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite v9.2.1 is the latest version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite and is the successor to its v9.2.0 version.

This release comes with an enhancement to existing Login screen where users will now be able to directly login to new version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite after their Upgrade is complete either via Bulk Migration or Interactive. It also includes fix for an issue where users with custom fields in their template were unable to perform operations after the Upgrade was complete.

What’s New in this Release

No feature enhancements, deprecations or removals were done in this release

What Has Changed in this Release


  • Ability to login to the new app directly from Login screen

    With this release, users will easily be able to login to the new version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite once they have completed the Upgrade.

    • If you are a completely new user trying out the app for first time, we would recommend the Login using New App option.

    • If you are an existing user, who have completed the Upgrade either via Bulk Migration or Interactive in app, you can use the Login using New App option.

    • For existing users, who have not yet upgraded, you can Login using NetSuite as you do right now.

Note: Once you have upgraded, you will be having access to the new version of app only all the time. But if you clear the cache anytime, you would see the above login screen. You can just select Login using New App option and continue.

Fixed Issues

Following issues were fixed as part of this release.

  • Issue with templates post Upgrade to new app - There was an issue where if your template had custom fields in it, it was not working properly after the upgrade and you couldn't use it for any operations like upload, download, delete etc. This is fixed now. You should be able to work with your templates from old app in the new version without any issues.

Version 9.2.0

Date: 21st November 2023

About this Release

The CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite v9.2.0 is the latest version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite and is the successor to its v8.0.2 version.

We are excited to announce that with this release you have the option to upgrade to the new version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite which is now out of beta.

What’s New in this Release

  • Upgrade to CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite NextGen with all your data

    You will see an Upgrade banner on your home page informing you that you are eligible to upgrade until December 31, 2023. Note that once you complete the upgrade, you will not have an option to switch to your current CloudExtend version. Once you click on Upgrade you will be promoted to sign in with either your Microsoft or Google ID (most users will choose Microsoft ID since you are likely logged into Excel with your Microsoft email address already). Note that this logs you into CloudExtend and a subsequent step will connect your ID to NetSuite (even if your NetSuite email address is different).

NOTE: We highly recommend all users upgrade before the deadline of 31st December 2023. On 8th January 2024, users will be forced to upgrade to the new version.

For more detail on timeline and what's new in NextGen please refer here

For more FAQs on Upgrade please refer here

We have been actively working on the NextGen version and releasing updates to it. Please find the updates done to the version in past few months here.

What Has Changed in this Release

No feature enhancements, deprecations or removals were done in this release

Version 8.0.3

Date: Apr 2023

About this Release

The CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite v8.0.3 is the latest version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite and is the successor to its v8.0.2 version.

This release comes with an enhancement where users will now be able to try out the beta app of new version of CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite which has an improved design, support for latest WSDL version, improved template builder, access to unlimited NetSuite accounts, improved UI for picklist selection and emptying a field value, feature parity with Legacy SmartClient features i.e support for Item Pricing updates and Advanced Bin Management and many more. To read more about the beta features please refer to this.

What’s New in this Release

No feature enhancements, deprecations or removals were done in this release

What Has Changed in this Release


  • Ability to use the beta version of new CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite from within the app:

    With this release, users will easily be able to try out the beta version of our new and redesigned CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite right from within the existing app by going to the left menu and selecting the option to try out the beta app. Once selected, users would be prompted to login with their Microsoft or Google Id as in the beta version user's identity is no longer bound to their NetSuite account and they can login with their Microsoft 365 account or Google account and use the app.

Once you navigate to Beta app, on app reload or when you come back again, beta app would be reloaded for you. In case you want to switch back to the existing application, you can select the same option from left menu.

NOTE: We highly recommend you try out the beta app and let us know your feedback, as we intend to update the existing application with this version very soon.

Version 8.0.2

Date: Mar 2022

About this Release

About this Release

The CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite v8.0.2 (XLNS v8.0.2) is the latest version of XLNS and is the successor to its v8.0.0 version.

This release comes with:

  • A fix for an issue with Burst mode where sometimes users would see that the job update is stuck at a number and doesn't update in the app whereas in NetSuite all the jobs were completed.

  • A fix for an issue where users were unable to perform the burst mode of upload for records if they had more than 50 entries of the custom record Celigo CENS Metadata Setting which is used to provide additional metadata in customer's NetSuite account.

What’s New in this Release

No new features in this release.

What Has Changed in this Release

No feature enhancements, deprecations, or removals in this release.

Fixed Issues

Following issues were fixed as part of this release:

  • Issue with Burst Mode status not updating in app

    Some times during the burst mode upload, the jobs that were completed and remaining to be processed were stuck at one number and not updating in app even though they were processed completely in NetSuite. For example when user opened the workbook where his upload constituted of 55 jobs, he would see that 52/55 jobs completed and it would be stuck at that point. This is fixed now.

  • Burst Mode Upload failing when there are more than 50 entries for a custom record provided by CloudExtend bundle for Metadata Settings

    The app had an issue when doing Burst mode of upload if there were more than 50 entries for the custom record Celigo CENS Metadata Setting . It would be in continuous processing state and not submit the job to NetSuite. This is fixed now and Burst mode should work irrespective of the number of entries of custom record.

Version 8.0.0

Date: Mar 2021

About this Release

The CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite v8.0.0 (XLNS v8.0.0) is the latest version of XLNS and is the successor to its v7.1.8 version.

This release comes with:

  • A new feature that will allow users to upload custom segments data while doing the upload via "Burst mode". Previously, the burst mode option was disabled for templates that contained custom segment fields.

  • A fix for an issue that caused users uploading thousands of records (around 10k or more) using the "Burst mode" to get their IPs blocked, which prevented them from using that workbook any further.

  • The SOAP Web Services endpoint version upgrade supports version 2020.2.

What’s New in this Release

The CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite v8.0.0 contains the following new feature:

  • Support for Custom Segments

    The previous versions of the product did not support "Burst mode" uploads when there are templates and fields containing custom segments and was a known limitation. In such cases, users had to build a custom field to map it over to the Custom segment. With the new version, we have fixed this limitation and users now can use templates and fields containing custom segments.

What Has Changed in this Release

The CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite v8.0.0 contains the following feature enhancements, feature deprecations, and feature removals.


  • Updated the SOAP Web Services endpoint version to support 2020.2

    The new version is updated to support the WSDL version 2020.2. This change was made along with NetSuite’s Build For NetSuite compliance and does not have a visible change for the customers.


  • Login with Basic Credentials is removed from the app

    NetSuite has deprecated the ability for users to log in to NetSuite with a username and password (except for the standard user interface, i.e., From the CloudExtend Excel for NetSuite v8.0.0 onwards, users will no longer be able to log in using basic credentials. (Learn how to fix this).


No feature removals in this release.

Fixed Issues

  • Burst Mode Upload causing user's IP getting blocked due to large number of requests

    The app had an issue where if the user was trying to upload large sets of data, i.e., thousands of records like 10,000 or 15000 or more than that, then a large number of requests were generated and sent to our servers within a minute that would overload our server and cause that user's IP to get blocked and resulting in 403 error. This is now fixed. Users should be able to upload large sets of data using Burst mode now without any issue.

Check Previous Release Notes

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