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📣 Release Notes for CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.X
📣 Release Notes for CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.X

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Updated over 2 years ago

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Version History

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Date: Oct 2021

About this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.5.1.2 is the latest version of CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite and it includes the below-mentioned feature additions and improvements.

In our last release, we removed the attachment slider from the association view. Without the slider, users were no longer possible to select all the attachments and make it a sticky setting. This release comes with changes to the App Settings that brings back the attachment sticky setting feature with more attachment preference options.

What’s New in this Release:

No new features in this release.

What Has Changed in this Release


  • File attachment preferences

    In our last release, we removed the attachment slider from the association view. Without the slider, users were no longer possible to select all the attachments and make it a sticky setting for subsequent mail associations. This release comes with changes to the App Settings enabling the user to select the attachment preferences using the File Attachment Preferences section. This enables the users to sustain the selected preference as a sticky setting that will apply for each subsequent email. Read more


No feature deprecations in this release.


No feature removals in this release.

Fixed Issues:

There aren’t any bugs that were fixed in this release.

Known Issues:

No known issues are in this release.


Date: Sept 2021

About this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.5.0.3 is the latest version of CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite and it includes the below-mentioned feature additions and improvements.

This release comes with changes to support three-step authentication (3SA) for the mobile support for the CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite. The release also includes an update to the add-in, removes the attachments slider button from the outlook add-in, and many more improvements.

What’s New in this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.5.0.3 contains the following new features:

Support for Three-Step-Authentication (3SA) for Mobile

CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite now supports 3SA for mobile. It is recommended that all the users use 3SA as NetSuite is deprecating the support for basic credentials with the 2021.2 release. Users should only click 'Connect to NetSuite' which will start NetSuite's own 3SA flow.

Project (Job) Subject Inspection

The Subject Inspection is a setting that searches the mail subject for a 4-digit number and fetches matching transaction records automatically. Previously, the subject inspection did not support Project (Job) records. With this release, we have added the Project (Job) record to the auto fetch feature and will search NetSuite Project (Job) records for all 4+ digit numbers found in the subject line.

What Has Changed in this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.5.0.3 contains the following feature changes.


  • Minor changes to improve the user experience:

    This release includes some minor enhancements to the add-in to improve the user experience. We have added a search box to dropdowns when the number of items in the dropdown is more than twenty list items. This enables users to key in to filter the list.

    When the custom forms are enabled using the add-in the ‘Create using (Custom Form) field, it is now added to the top of the record creation window where previously users would have to scroll down to find that field.


No feature deprecations in this release.


  • Attachment Slider Removal

    Previously, while attaching, a user was required to first set the attachment slider and then select individual attachments. However, most of the users would click to attach all images but forget to leave the slider on. This has created confusion among users who were under the impression that selecting the attachments individually would attach them to the corresponding NetSuite records. Hence, we have eliminated the slider button—users can now select the attachment that needs to be included while associating with NetSuite records.

    Note that with this release, it will no longer be possible to have the attachments all selected as a sticky setting. We’re working on a solution to be included in the next minor release.

Fixed Issues:

  • Fix for an issue where some users were getting locked out of the app on certain devices

    We have recently had instances where some users were automatically blocked as MS Outlook have been sending large volumes of requests to the CloudExtend backend. This was due to a possible Microsoft bug on Outlook/EdgeHTML.

    Given that the bug has not yet been fully addressed we now mitigate this problem by proactively detecting the issue and rather than blocking requests, we guide the users through remedial action.

  • Issue with Autopilot in multiple shared mailboxes

    We had an issue when using multiple shared mailboxes within an organization. Switching between multiple shared mailboxes would result in causing some issues for the autopilot feature. This was fixed with this release.

Known Issues

No known issues are in this release.

Version 3.4

Date: June 2021

About this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.4 is the latest version of CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite and is the successor to CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.3.

This release comes with a major improvement to our add-in with backend APIs being optimized for better performance and less memory utilization. The add-in also comes with an opt-in feature for users that use task pane pinning and have multiple Outlook emails open at a time.

What’s New in this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.4 contains the following new features:

Sleeping Task Pane

All Microsoft add-ins consume system memory. As a result of this, we have observed a slowness that increases as users open a large number of task panes. This sometimes tends to freeze task panes, especially when users have opened more than 10 task panes. In order to optimize performance CloudExtend can put a task pane "to sleep".

The sleeping task pane feature will get activated only if a user has spun up more than two task panes. After 60 seconds, all the open task panes except for the two most recent task panes will be put to sleep.

Customers who are using more than 10-20 or even more task panes (open mail windows) should enable this setting so that the add-in does not consume unnecessary system resources. It will put inactive task panes to sleep until the user clicks on it to activate.

How to enable Sleeping Task Pane?

To enable /disable this feature please go to Settings -> Enable Sleep Mode. A checkmark will show it is enabled and the lack of a checkmark will indicate it is disabled.

What Has Changed in this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.4 contains the following feature enhancements:


  • API Optimizations for better, faster user experience:

    Have you ever had issues with CloudExtend Outlook eating up your CPU units and messing with your work day? Well, this fix is just for you!

    We have made improvements to the app in to reduce the network traffic caused between the application and Microsoft Exchange servers and ultimately minimize the stress on your system resources. The app uses a mechanism that ensures faster loading of the Welcome page and optimal memory utilization, thus catering to an enhanced user experience. You should see increased responsiveness and faster loading of the application.


No feature deprecations in this release.


No feature removals in this release.

Fixed Issues:

Fix to allow Messages or Calendar Events that do not contain any text in the description to roll up to NetSuite.

Known Issues:

No known issues in this release.

Version 3.3

Date: Mar 2021

About this Release

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.3 is the latest version of CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite and is the successor to CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.2.

This release comes with major features that enable users to create Leads, Prospects, and Opportunities using the CloudExtend add-in and support for custom fields as well as custom forms for validation. See below for all the exciting new features and fixes.

What’s New in this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.3 contains the following new features:

Ability to use custom fields for record creation

Previously, users were not allowed to add custom fields from the add-in resulting in the inability to update NetSuite records with required custom fields. With this release, CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite introduces the ability to add custom fields during record creation and editing from the add-in. CloudExtend now supports 15 custom field types that can be added when viewing or updating records.

  • Checkbox

  • Currency

  • Date

  • Datetime

  • DecimalNumber

  • eMailAddress

  • FreeFormText

  • Hyperlink,

  • IntegerNumber

  • ListRecord

  • LongText

  • Percent

  • PhoneNumber

  • RichText

  • TextArea

Learn how to add custom fields in this support article (a short gif overview is below).

Ability to reference custom forms for field validation

Custom forms are used in NetSuite to display specific fields to end-users, some of which are marked as required. The NetSuite API does not allow CloudExtend to simply display the relevant fields based on a user’s custom form. Users will still need to manually add their fields. Users can, however, add the field ‘custom form’ which will enable NetSuite to enforce any validation rules for that form during a record upsert.

Create Leads, Prospects, and Opportunities

CloudExtend now supports creating and editing Leads, Prospects, and Opportunities. Previously users were able to create Customers, Contacts, and Tasks.

What Has Changed in this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.3 contains the following feature enhancements:


In addition to adding highly requested new features, we have been working on numerous enhancements to the existing features and the user experience.

Show the most popular Record Types Searched:

Searching for records has been made even easier by introducing the most popular record types as shown below. This will help the user to easily pick the record type that he/she is being used regularly.

Recently Updated Records Widget:

We have introduced a new widget to the c:ontext menu introducing the recently Updated Records. This widget will show the latest records that have been created or updated where users can now more easily find their last edited records without having to search for them for the mail to be attached.

Redirects to Contextual View for greater user experience:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite previously navigated to the record view screen, after successful record creation. With the new change, all the successful record creations except for tasks (because NetSuite does not support email attachments for task records) will navigate the user back to the contextual view enabling him/her to attach the mail to the record created. This enhancement avoids additional steps that would be required for a user to attach a mail to a new record.

Customized Global Search Prefix and Suffix:

Admins can customize the prefix or suffix used when users search for records. At present, a subject line with 65321457 will not return any results for a matching record in NetSuite with a prefix such as INV (ie INV)65321457. With this update, admins can enable a search prefix such as “%” that would surface the records. This requires a bundle update to be pushed to your account and this can take up to 5 days. If you don't see it yet please be patient as it takes some time for the update to be pushed to the entire base.

Support for records that have been renamed:

Previously companies that had renamed records in NetSuite (for example Account instead of Customer or Physician instead of Partner) were unable to surface records using global search. With this update admins will be able to map standard NetSuite record names to your organization's preferred name.


No feature deprecations in this release.


No feature removals in this release.

Fixed Issues:

  • Updates to resolve issues for several users reporting the app freezing while composing new messages

  • Updates to Task Creation to make the following standard task fields available

  • Fixed an issue that previously prevented users from canceling an email on Autopilot

Known Issues:

  • Custom field definitions are stored in the local browser cache. If a user clears their cache they will need to add their custom fields back again. A future update to the app will persist these fields.

Version 3.2

Date: Feb 2021

About this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.2.0 is the latest version of CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite and is the successor to CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.1.2

This release comes with major features that enable the Autopilot feature to all subscribers that have a version of Outlook that supports add-ins on shared mailboxes. Once a user has installed CloudExtend on their own mailbox it will appear when working in a shared mailbox as well. See below for all the exciting new features and fixes.

What’s New in this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.2.0 contains the following new features:

  • Autopilot support for Shared Mailboxes

    CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite’s previous version 3.0. released one of the most requested features by our customers. With Autopilot, when a user attaches a single email to one or more NetSuite records, all subsequent conversations of that same email thread will be attached automatically to those NetSuite records without requiring human intervention. However, version 3.0. was only supporting individual mailboxes and the support was not available for Shared Mailboxes. This version of CloudExtend add-in comes with the support for Autopilot in shared mailboxes.

    Autopilot support for shared mailboxes would require an additional license as CloudExtend Autopilot is a background process that runs on mailboxes on your Exchange Server. Therefore, this requires a separate CloudExtend license for your shared mailbox.

What Has Changed in this Release:

No feature enhancements in this release.


No feature deprecations in this release.


No feature removals in this release.

Known Issues:

  • Emails received from domains not using Outlook/Exchange (ie Gmail) will fail to sync unless the best practice advice in the article here.

  • Categories may not be automatically created by CloudExtend and users may need to manually create the 'Synced by CloudExtend' category per this article.

  • Users on unsupported versions of Outlook may get an error message (You cannot perform this action. This add-in scenario is not supported in this folder.). This is not a unique issue to CloudExtend and impacts users of any add-in for Outlook when used on a shared mailbox. Here is a Microsoft article documenting what's not supported, specifically in the section called Mailbox items available to add-ins:

Version 3.0

Date: Nov 2020

About this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.0 is the latest version of CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite and is the successor to CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v2.4.75.16

This release comes with a major feature that enables users to Auto-sync email threads using Autopilot.

What’s New in this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.0 contains the following new features:


With Autopilot, when a user attaches a single email to one or more NetSuite records, all subsequent conversations of that same email thread will be attached automatically to those NetSuite records without requiring human intervention.

Autopilot Status Log

Autopilot Status Log view allows users to view the status of the threads that were sent to NetSuite with Autopilot during the last 14 days. The feature will include a new tab to keep track of Autopilot-enabled activities. The CloudExtend add-on will display the status of the autopilot thread as to whether it was successfully synchronized, is still pending, or has failed to synchronize.

User-friendly visual cues:

  • The bottom of the CloudExtend task pane will indicate the current status of Autopilot, i.e., whether it is still on or has been disabled.

  • In the middle of the task pane, you can see the NetSuite records that the email is synchronizing with. You can even access the NetSuite record directly by clicking on the menu icon.

  • CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite adds categories to the email to let the user know that the email has been attached via Autopilot. Depending on the user’s Outlook version and screen size these may be displayed as text in a colored box or just as a small colored icon.

Auto-attached records in the Welcome View

The Welcome view of the CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite will display the automatically attached records.

What Has Changed in this Release:

The CloudExtend Outlook for NetSuite v3.0 contains the following feature enhancements:


  • Portal Changes: The licensing portal is updated to enable user provisioning for Autopilot.


No feature deprecations in this release.


No feature removals in this release.

Fixed Issues:

  • The Context View not loading when the subject inspection is OFF.

Known Issues:

  • Autopilot is incompatible with the Last Sale Activity (LSA) feature..

  • Autopilot is only available for one mailbox per user. Users that have multiple mailboxes, may see the Autopilot toggle in their other mailboxes initially. This toggle will be removed within 12 hours and will remain non-operational while it is visible on such mailboxes.

Check Previous Release Notes

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